Management Profile
- Mr. Muhammad Nisar – (CEO)
Mr. Muhammed Nisar has been member of Pakistan Stock Exchange from 1977 to 2006, on transferring his individual membership into corporate he has been appointed as CEO of the company. He also served as member of arbitration committee of Pakistan Stock Exchange. He has vast experience in equity markets and is well known in the social and business community.
- Mr. Abdul Qadir – Director
Mr. Abdul Qadir is a senior director of the company, having ten years experience in the capital market. His knowledge and experience in capital market made right choice to manage the organization.
- Mr. Ghulam Mustafa – Managing Director
Ghulam Mustafa Ashrafi is appointed managing directors of the company. He is graduate in accounting & finance from Kent University, Australia. Along with graduation he is holding different Professional Diplomas in same Faculty.